FSSAI Registration or License Renewal / Modification
Required for all entities involved in production, distribution &
transportation of food products.

Keeping your seal of safety intact
Therefore, it is always advisable to renew your FSSAI food license at the time which is provided in order to avoid penalties. The process of renewal of FSSAI Registration/ license is the same as the process that is to be followed for application of new FSSAI registration/ license.
Procedure for
FSSAI Registration/ License renewal
- Fill Form A (Basic FSSAI Registration) or Form B (Central or State FSSAI license) in accordance with the previous license along with the self-attested documents as mentioned under the guidelines of Food Safety and Standards Act, Regulations/Laws.
- On receipt of the fully filled FSSAI Registration/ License renewal application the authority will inspect it. The authority shall send its competent officers to conduct the inquiry of the establishment. FSSAI officer shall thereafter conduct a detailed inquiry and inspection of the place of Food Business and thoroughly inspects the standards and other guidelines in relation to your food business and formulates its report.
- FSSAI Registration/ license is required to be issued within 60 days by the appropriate authority. if no response is received from the authority within 60 days, then, you can run your food business without waiting for any reply.
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- Modification of FSSAI license or registration is of 2 types:
- Form C Modification – For the modification of information printed on Form C.
- Non – Form C Modification – For the modification of supporting information and documents.
- No fee is required to be paid for Non-Form C modification.
- The application for modification requires re-submission of all the documents submitted at the time of applying for license.
- Food Business Operator needs to give a declaration stating the changes for which application has been filed along with supporting evidence or proof of change along with the application, as required.
- The application for modification is scrutinized by Designated Officer (DO) with reference to the existing Form C. On scrutiny, the DO may raise query or objection on the application, seeking clarification or required additional information from the FBO, the response to which is required to be given within 30 days.
Do you have any queries?
This information is in summary form and is therefore intended for general guidance only. It is not intended to be a substitute for detailed research or the exercise of professional judgment. Mind Sync does not accept any responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any information provided herein. On any specific matter, reference should be made to the appropriate advisor.