Mind Sync

Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)

Apply and get DSC online with Mind Sync


ESSENTIAL - Digital Signature Certificate

Your Digital Identity

Digital Signature : A digital signature is an electronic form of signature which verifies the authenticity of a digital document. It is a secure digital key that is issued by the certifying authorities for the purpose of validating and certifying the identity of the person holding this certificate. Digital Signatures make use of the public key encryptions to create the signatures.

A digital signature certificate (DSC) contains information about the user’s name, pin code, country, email address, date of issuance of certificate and name of the certifying authority.
  • Digital signatures are issued for 1 or 2 years. After their validity has expired, they need to be renewed.
  • A person can have different DSCs – one for official purpose and the other DSC for personal purpose.
  • Digitally signed documents are acceptable in legal courts as an evidence or proof.

Modes of applying DSC:

Paperless DSC using Aadhar eKYC (Online process)
This facility is enabled for applying Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) in a paperless manner using “Aadhaar Paperless eKYC”. To use this facility, subscriber must be an Aadhaar holder with updated Mobile Number.

Online Digital Signature- Online Process + Paper Application submission

Offline Digital Signature- Paper Application submission

Statutory requirements:
When individuals and entities have to get their accounts audited, they have to file their income tax return compulsorily using a digital signature. Also, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs has made it mandatory for entities to file all reports, applications, and forms using a digital signature only.

Furthermore under GST also, a company can get registered only by verifying the GST application through a digital signature. For filing all applications, amendments and other related forms, the use of a digital signature is necessary. DGFT also has mandated use of Digital Signature Certificates with all electronic documents uploaded on the DGFT site.Statutory requirements:
When individuals and entities have to get their accounts audited, they have to file their income tax return compulsorily using a digital signature. Also, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs has made it mandatory for entities to file all reports, applications, and forms using a digital signature only.

Furthermore under GST also, a company can get registered only by verifying the GST application through a digital signature. For filing all applications, amendments and other related forms, the use of a digital signature is necessary. DGFT also has mandated use of Digital Signature Certificates with all electronic documents uploaded on the DGFT site.


Class of


Class 3 certificate : As per the CAA’s new regulation, only the Class 3 DSC will be available for any sort of paperless signature utilization in India. It includes in the compliances of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) & Registrar of Companies (ROC), Tax Filing, Business Incorporation, Business License Registration, e-tendering / e-bidding, Trademark e-filing, DGFT Compliances, etc.

Mind Sync
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We’re committed to finding a way out, always ready to take up the toughest tasks. We take pride in being different. Mind Sync offers a formula of professional services uniquely crafted to address your business challenges, opportunities and create something you didn’t even know you needed.

We team up together with our clients to tackle the business challenges presented by a dynamic world and discover and implement innovative, efficient and effective business solutions.


In case the applicant is an Indian National, please submit the following documents for identity and address proof:

Identity Proof

  1. Passport
  2. PAN Card of the Applicant (mandatory)
  3. Driving Licence
  4. Post Office ID Card
  5. Bank Account Passbook containing the photograph and signed by an individual with attestation by the concerned Bank official
  6. Photo ID card issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs of Centre/State Governments
  7. Any Government issued photo ID card bearing the signatures of the individual

Address Proof

  1. AADHAAR Card
  2. Voter ID Card
  3. Driving Licence (DL)/Registration Certificate (RC)
  4. Water Bill (Not older than 3 Months).
  5. Electricity Bill (Not older than 3 Months)
  6. Latest Bank Statements signed by the bank (Not older than 3 Months)
  7. Service Tax/VAT Tax/Sales Tax registration certificate
  8. Property Tax/ Corporation/ Municipal Corporation Receipt
  9. Gas Connection
  10. Telephone Bill
  11. Passport
In case the applicant is a Foreign National, please submit the following documents for identity and address proof:

Identity Proof

  1. Attested copy of Applicant Passport
  2. Attested copy of VISA (If applicant is out of native country).
  3. Attested copy of Resident Permit certificate (If applicant is in India)

Address Proof

  1. Attested copy of Applicant Passport
  2. Attested copy of any other Government issued Address Proof

The identity and address proof of foreign nationals must be attested by the following authorities:

  1. Embassy of Native Country (If applicant is out of native country)
  2. Apostilized by Native Country, after Public Notary (if country is in Hague Convention)
  3. Consularized by Native Country, after Public Notary (if country is not in Hague Convention)
Identity Proof

  1. Applicant PAN
  2. Passport
  3. Driving Licence
  4. Organisational PAN (mandatory)

Verification Method 1- Online GSTIN Verification

  1. GST filing Proof (not older than 3 months)
  2. Id Proof-
    • Applicant ID Proof- PAN/ Voter ID/ Passport/ Driving License;
    • Authorised signatory ID Proof- PAN/ Voter ID/ Passport/ Driving License/ Organisational ID Card;
  1. Authorised Signatory Proof-
    • Business Registration Certificate containing name of the proprietor confirming the business ownership of Authorised signatory (in case of Proprietorship);
    • Copy of list of partners from Partnership Deed, LLP Deed (First page and page(s) containing Authorised Signatory/ Partner name) (In case of Partnership firm);
    • Copy of list of Directors, details should be in MCA website; If Authorised Signatory is not a director, Board Resolution or Power of Attorney shall be enclosed (In case of corporate entities);
    • Copy of resolution From Association/ Society/ NGO/ Trust authorising the signatory (In case of AOP, NGO/Trust);
  1. Authorisation letter

Verification Method 2- Traditional Verification

  1. Id Proof-
    • Applicant ID Proof- PAN/ Voter ID/ Passport/ Driving License;
    • Authorised signatory ID Proof- PAN/ Voter ID/ Passport/ Driving License/ Organisational ID Card;
  1. Proof of Organisational existence-
    • Business registration certificate including GST, MSME, Shop & Establishments;
    • Organisational PAN Card;
    • Organisational Bank Statement (not older than 3 months);
    • Organisation Incorporation Certificate
  1. Authorised Signatory Proof-
    • Business Registration Certificate containing name of the proprietor confirming the business ownership of Authorised signatory (in case of Proprietorship);
    • Copy of list of partners from Partnership Deed, LLP Deed (First page and page(s) containing Authorised Signatory/ Partner name) (In case of Partnership firm);
    • Copy of list of Directors, details should be in MCA website; If Authorised Signatory is not a director, Board Resolution or Power of Attorney shall be enclosed (In case of corporate entities);
    • Copy of resolution From Association/ Society/ NGO/ Trust authorising the signatory (In case of AOP, NGO/Trust);
  1. Authorisation letter
Identity Proof

  1. Applicant PAN
  2. Passport
  3. Driving Licence
  4. Organisational PAN (mandatory)

Verification Method 1- Online GSTIN Verification

  1. GST filing Proof (not older than 3 months)
  1. Id Proof-
    • Applicant ID Proof- PAN/ Voter ID/ Passport/ Driving License;
    • Authorised signatory ID Proof- PAN/ Voter ID/ Passport/ Driving License/ Organisational ID Card;
  1. Authorised Signatory Proof-
    • Business Registration Certificate containing name of the proprietor confirming the business ownership of Authorised signatory (in case of Proprietorship);
    • Copy of list of partners from Partnership Deed, LLP Deed (First page and page(s) containing Authorised Signatory/ Partner name) (In case of Partnership firm);
    • Copy of list of Directors, details should be in MCA website; If Authorised Signatory is not a director, Board Resolution or Power of Attorney shall be enclosed (In case of corporate entities);
    • Copy of resolution from Association/ Society/ NGO/ Trust authorising the signatory (In case of AOP, NGO/Trust);
  1. Authorisation letter
  2. Copy of Import & Export Certificate

Verification Method 2- Traditional Verification

  1. Id Proof-
    • Applicant ID Proof- PAN/ Voter ID/ Passport/ Driving License;
    • Authorised signatory ID Proof- PAN/ Voter ID/ Passport/ Driving License/ Organisational ID Card;
  1. Proof of Organisational existence-
    • Business registration certificate including GST, MSME, Shop & Establishments;
    • Organisational PAN Card;
    • Organisational Bank Statement (not older than 3 months);
    • Organisation Incorporation Certificate;
    • Copy of Import & Export Certificate
  1. Authorised Signatory Proof-
    • Business Registration Certificate containing name of the proprietor confirming the business ownership of Authorised signatory (in case of Proprietorship);
    • Copy of list of partners from Partnership Deed, LLP Deed (First page and page(s) containing Authorised Signatory/ Partner name) (In case of Partnership firm);
    • Copy of list of Directors, details should be in MCA website; If Authorised Signatory is not a director, Board Resolution or Power of Attorney shall be enclosed (In case of corporate entities);
    • Copy of resolution From Association/ Society/ NGO/ Trust authorising the signatory (In case of AOP, NGO/Trust);
  1. Authorisation letter

Do you have any queries?

This information is in summary form and is therefore intended for general guidance only. It is not intended to be a substitute for detailed research or the exercise of professional judgment. Mind Sync does not accept any responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any information provided herein. On any specific matter, reference should be made to the appropriate advisor.



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