Mind Sync

Data Generation

Grow Safe Food

AGROCHEMICAL & PESTICIDES - Data Generation Services

Safety and Compliance Always

Before manufacturers can sell pesticides in India, Central Insecticides Board & Registration Committee (CIB&RC) evaluates the pesticides thoroughly to ensure that they meet the scientific, regulatory requirements and safety standards to protect human health and the environment. CIB&RC assesses a wide variety of potential human health and environmental effects associated with use of the product. Potential registrants must generate scientific data necessary to address concerns pertaining to the identity, composition, potential adverse effects of each pesticide.
Data from test parameters like product chemistry, product bio-efficacy, product toxicity, product packaging etc. are required by the Central Insecticides Board & Registration Committee (CIB&RC) to register a pesticide in India.

The prudent management of economic resources heavily relies on the timely and effective registration of active substances and products. To facilitate this, Mind Sync partners with GLP, NABL compliant laboratories approved by Central Insecticides Board-India to provide services in data generation as per the latest regulatory guidelines.


  • Product Chemistry
  • Product Toxicity- Acute, Sub Acute, Sub-Chronic, Chronic, Genotoxicity, Ecotoxicity
  • Product Bio-efficacy, Residues
  • Packaging

Mind Sync
Can Help?

The regulatory landscape for pesticides and biopesticides is complex. Without the help of an expert, it can be difficult to navigate the regulatory maze to know what data you will need for seamless dossier preparation and submission. Data gaps can lead to costly delays in getting your product to market. Our associate experts confidently guide you through the regulatory approval processes of plant protection active substances and products. Take advantage of our long-standing expertise and do not hesitate to contact us to learn how we can help you fulfil your regulatory needs.


Generation of Chemistry, Bio-efficacy data, Toxicity (Acute, Sub Acute, Sub-Chronic, Chronic, Genotoxicity, Ecotoxicity) and Packaging parameters through GLP and Non-GLP Lab and its evaluation is required.
Chemistry Parameters Bio-efficacy Parameters Toxicity Parameters Packing
Source of Supply of Technical
Acute oral in rat & mice
Manner of labelling and leaflets
Chemical Composition
Acute dermal
Cautionary statement
Chemical Identity of technical
Effect on parasites & predators
Acute inhalation
Brief direction concerning usages
Physico - Chemical Properties of adjuvants
Translocation in plants
Primary skin irritation
Information regarding disposal of used packages.
Technical Bulletin
Metabolism in soil
Irritation to mucous membrane
Type of packaging
Metabolism in water
Sub-acute oral rat
Manner of packaging
Method of Analysis
Metabolism in plant
Sub-acute oral dog
Specification for primary package
Analytical Test Report
Persistence in soil
Sub-acute dermal
Specification for secondary packaging.
Identification& Quantification of identifiable Impurities
Persistence in water
Sub-acute inhalation
Specification for transport packaging.
Shelf-life Data
Persistence in plant
Performance of contender during storage stability test
Establishment of Chemical Equivalence
Compatibility with other chemicals
Synergism & potentiation
Transport worthiness test
Process of Manufacture
Residues in plant
Information about Raw Materials Used
Residues in soil
Effect on reproduction
Their Source of Supply
Residue tolerance limits fixed by foreign countries
Step-wise Manufacturing Process
Cost benefit ratio
Chemical Equation
Toxicity to birds (two)
Flow sheet diagram of process of manufacture
Toxicity to fish (Fresh water)
Effluent Treatment method
Toxicity to honeybees
A test report about the quality of the product from a laboratory as per GLP scheme or from a company of ISO- 9000.
Toxicity to live stock
Standards technical sample from the principals/ authorized dealers for chemical verification.
Medical data
Methodology for residue estimation as per BIS format.
Human toxicity information from foreign countries
Observation in man (Health records of spray operators)
Health records of Industrial workers
Toxicity to live stock (Field trial & observation)
International report on carcinogenicity & genotoxicity status

Do you have any queries?

This information is in summary form and is therefore intended for general guidance only. It is not intended to be a substitute for detailed research or the exercise of professional judgment. Mind Sync does not accept any responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any information provided herein. On any specific matter, reference should be made to the appropriate advisor.



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