Mind Sync

Calibration-Stamping & Verification

Precise Compliance: Fulfilling your Legal Metrology requirements with meticulous attention

LEGAL METROLOGY-WEIGHTS & MEASURES - Calibration - Stamping & Verification

Precision Perfected

Metrology refers to the science of measurement. It refers to the units and methodologies of weighing and measurement, governed by laws and regulations. Legal metrology provides regulations for the control of measurements and measuring instruments.


The Legal Metrology Act, 2009

As per Section 24 of the Legal Metrology Act, 2009, every weight or measure used or intended to be used in any transaction or for protection shall be verified and stamped by the Legal Metrology officer in the State in which such weight or measure is put to use and shall be re-verified and stamped at periodical intervals.

The Model of Legal Metrology (Enforcement) Rules, 2010

  • As per Legal Metrology, 2009, every person using any weight or measure in any transaction or for protection, is required to get such weight or measure verified/re-verified by the State Legal Metrology Officer or its District-level counterpart.
  • The Legal Metrology officer shall stamp every weight or measure, if after testing and verification, he is satisfied that such weight or measure conforms to the standards, with a stamp of uniform design, issued by the Controller, which shall indicate the number allotted for administrative purposes.
  • Once the products are ready for the market, it must be appropriately labelled, prominently showcasing the details of stamping and verification.

Mind Sync
Can Help?

Leveraging its profound industry expertise and up-to-date domain knowledge, Mind Sync has successfully delivered numerous legal metrology services to businesses, guaranteeing adherence to regulations and meticulous precision. Mind Sync caters to businesses across the complete spectrum of Legal Metrology, encompassing registrations, licensing, model approvals, stamping, verification, and ensuring product Label compliances.

Harness our experience to counter regulatory non-compliance, embrace opportunities and face the future with confidence.


The period of re-verification shall be:

[i]     24 months for all types of weights, capacity measures, length measures, beam scales, counter machine, tank lorries,
[ii]    5 years for storage tanks,
[iii]   12 months for weight or measure other than that mentioned in [i] and [ii] above.

Respective State Government – Officer – Legal Metrology

Do you have any queries?

This information is in summary form and is therefore intended for general guidance only. It is not intended to be a substitute for detailed research or the exercise of professional judgment. Mind Sync does not accept any responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any information provided herein. On any specific matter, reference should be made to the appropriate advisor.



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