Mind Sync

FSSAI Basic Registration

Required for all entities involved in production, distribution & transportation of food products.

BASIC REGISTRATION: For Sales upto 12 lakhs

STATE LICENSE: For Sales of 12 lakhs- 20 crores

CENTRAL LICENSE- For Sales> 20 crores

FSSAI REGISTRATION/LICENSE & COMPLIANCE - Basic Registration - Petty Food Business

Indulge responsibly

Every petty food business operator shall register themselves with the Registering Authority by submitting an application for registration in prescribed form – FORM A.

Petty Food Business Operator

Petty Food Business Operator or Petty Food Manufacturer means any food manufacturer, who manufactures or sells any article of food himself or a petty retailer, hawker, itinerant vendor or temporary stall holder; or distributes foods including in any religious or social gathering except a caterer; or such other food businesses including small scale or cottage or such other industries relating to food business or tiny food businesses with an annual turnover not exceeding Rs. 12 lac and/or whose –

1. production capacity of food (other than milk and milk products and meat and meat products) does not exceed 100 kg/ltr per day or

2. procurement or handling and collection of milk is up to 500 litres of milk per day or

3. slaughtering capacity is 2 large animals or 10 small animals or 50 poultry birds per day or less.

When can Petty Food Business Operator

start his Business?

The Registering Authority shall consider the application and may either grant registration or reject it with reasons to be recorded in writing or issue notice for inspection, within 7 days of receipt of an application for registration.

In the event of an inspection being ordered, the registration shall be granted by the Registering Authority after being satisfied with the safety, hygiene and sanitary conditions of the premises within a period of 30 days.

If registration is not granted, or denied, or inspection not ordered within 7 days or no decision is communicated within 30 days, the petty food manufacturer may start its business, provided that it will be incumbent on the Food Business Operator to comply with any improvement suggested by the Registering Authority even later.

The registration shall not be refused without giving the applicant an opportunity of being heard and for reasons to be recorded in writing.

The Registering Authority shall issue a registration certificate and a photo identity card, which shall be displayed at a prominent place at all times within the premises or vehicle or cart or any other place where the person carries on sale/manufacture of food in case of Petty Food Business.

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A producer of milk who is a registered member of a dairy Cooperative Society registered under Cooperative Societies Act and supplies or sells the entire milk to the Society shall be exempted from this provision for registration.

Designated Officer/ Food Safety Officer or any Official in Panchayat, Municipal Corporation or any other Local Body or Panchayat in an area, notified as such by the State Food Safety Commissioner for the purpose of registration.

Do you have any queries?

This information is in summary form and is therefore intended for general guidance only. It is not intended to be a substitute for detailed research or the exercise of professional judgment. Mind Sync does not accept any responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any information provided herein. On any specific matter, reference should be made to the appropriate advisor.



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